Dr. Florian M. Pregler

Attorney | Senior Associate


  • Advice and defence in commercial criminal law and criminal tax law, also with international aspects

  • Advice to management and supervisory bodies in decisions at the interface to company law

  • Criminal law support of internal investigations

  • Attorney Dr. Florian M. Pregler advises and defends clients in all areas of criminal law, especially commercial criminal law and criminal tax law. Focus areas of his work include the defence of companies in fine proceedings and criminal law support in internal investigations.

    After his studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona, for which he received scholarships from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), he completed his postgraduate legal clerkship in the district of the Munich Higher Regional Court, including training stations with the juvenile criminal court and in units specialising in corporate transactions, product liability, and company law at large international law firms.

    Prior to joining Knauer&, Dr. Florian M. Pregler advised clients in contentious intellectual property proceedings on behalf on a large international law firm. In addition, he worked for a corporate boutique firm, where he focused on advising clients in litigations before state courts at the interface between company law and commercial criminal law. Given his professional background to date, he therefore places special emphasis on providing advice with respect to high-risk decisions against the background of the business judgement rule.

    Dr. Florian M. Pregler is a Certified Exchange Trader (Eurex). His doctoral thesis, which focuses on a legal theory topic and was supported by a scholarship granted by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, received the award of the Augsburg Alumni Association from the Law Faculty of Augsburg University.

    Dr. Florian M. Pregler advises clients in German, English, and Spanish.

  • • Commercial criminal law

    • Criminal law expert opinions

    • Compliance/internal Investigations

    • Criminal tax law

  • German, English, and Spanish


+49 (0) 89 5529898-0

Brienner Str. 7
80333 Munich



Serkan Erdogan (Berlin)


Laura Martin (Frankfurt)