Pablo Gabriel- Cardenal

Attorney | Associate


  • Advice and defence in commercial criminal law and criminal tax law, also with international aspects

  • Criminal law support of internal investigations

  • Attorney Pablo Gabriel-Cardenal covers white-collar criminal cases, with a focus on defending individuals throughout Germany. In addition, he supports companies in the conduct of internal investigations and provides comprehensive advice on compliance issues and the prevention of company-related crimes. A further focus area of his work are mandates with transnational aspects, especially extradition proceedings and international manhunts and the handling of complex, multinational matters from a criminal law perspective.

    During his studies at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Universidad Cardenal Herrera in Valencia (Spain) and his subsequent postgraduate legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, Pablo Cardenal already chose commercial criminal law as a focus area. He worked as a research associate at a Hamburg boutique law firm specialising in commercial criminal law and criminal tax law for several years, while also completing his legal clerkship, including training stations at the Hamburg Public Prosecutor’s Office, a Hamburg criminal defence law firm of nation-wide renown, the First Criminal Panel of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, and the Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel Prison.

    Pablo Gabriel-Cardenal speaks German, Spanish, and English

  • • Commercial criminal law

    • Criminal tax law  

    • Compliance/internal investigation

    • Corruption: prevention and defence 

  • • Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein Berlin e.V.

    • Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V.

    • Vereinigung Berliner Strafverteidiger*innen e. V.

  • German, Spanish, English


+49 (0) 30 94852070-0

Kurfürstendamm 194
10707 Berlin



Laura Martin (Frankfurt)


Nikoline Nebel (Frankfurt)